Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why are the leaves on my potted wisteria browning on the edges? Have increased size of pots? Ideas?


I am not sure what zone you live in but Wisteria is a deciduous plant specimen. They will die out in the colder months.

Sometimes when you transplant a shrub from a pot it will go into a shock period. This is common.

A suggestion I make to my clients is to make sure when you transplant that you use a light weight potting soil. Add some humas and vermiculite to the potting soil. Use warm water at first as the warmer water is good for the root system. Also add a little organic mushroom compost to the potting soil. This acts as an organic fertilizer for up to one year. Make sure you keep the soil moist.

I hope this has helped some and best of luck to you with your Wisteria. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at my website. I will link you to my simple solution section as well as my site map. The site map has everything that is on my website. Have a great day!




Why are the leaves on my potted wisteria browning on the edges? Have increased size of pots? Ideas?
When leaf edges get brown, you can almost bet that the plant is not getting enough humidity. I'd find a way to increase the humidity in the immediate vicinity of the plant, either with a humidifier, or by use of a pebble tray with water.

Good luck!

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