Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wisteria grown in MI?

I've had my plants one for 2 years (4 year old plant when bought) the other is 4 years old they are being grown on a trelis....I've never had any blooms...can anyone tell me what might be wrong here?? nice plants just no flowering.....Thanks!

Wisteria grown in MI?
I've never grown wisteria, but have known others that do. The plants never needed special care or feeding. However, I have heard that you should buy your plant when it is in bloom, as some cultivars do not bloom as well as others.

I would like to recommend a growth enhancer that works miracles. It is called Spray-N-Grow. It is a liquid concentrate you mix with warm water to activate it. You can not use a hose end sprayer, as the concentrate must be mixed with warm water, like yeast for bread. Any type of pump sprayer, or trigger sprayer will work. You just spray it on till it begins to drip from the leaves once or twice a month.

You can read the customer testimonials, and in my opinion they are not overstating the benefits. Plants grow bigger and bloom better. They also sell a fertilizer that can be mixed with the Spray-N-Grow.
Reply:Bought my wisteria from a reputable mail order outfit 19 years ago. It had 2 blooms last year, 3 this year. Never before. I've done everything recommended by everybody and every site I've found. finally somebody told me that it might be a seedling rather than a starter, even though it was 4 years old when I bought it, therefore it might be years. Beautiful plant, but it's trying to grow into my sycamore tree now, and my neighbor's complaining that it's headed for her garage. I'm going to cut it down to the ground and see what happens. I've never cut it back that far before.

Please take the time to visit this excellent site. I use it for reference whenever there is a wisteria question.

It gives great info on soil quality, fertilization and flowering.

Good luck!

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