Monday, November 16, 2009

I have a five year old wisteria that has never flowered why?

If wisteria is grown from seed, they sometimes take 15 years before they will bloom. If they were taken from a cutting or division they will take about 5 to 7 years before they bloom. Also if you prune them it will take longer. Just be patient, it will eventually bloom.

I have a five year old wisteria that has never flowered why?
I have a 20 year old wisteria that has flowered just once. Some are prolific bloomers, some not. Try pruning a little in VERY EARLY spring. BTW, my wisteria is in poor ground and does not often get fed. I think it's the genetic thing. I have heard others say male or female makes a difference, or breed type makes a difference.
Reply:check that you're meeting all of its needs...enough water, enough sun, enough rootspace, etc. if you are, then turn to repotting it using blooming soil, or just giving it some plant nutrients for the regular soil. careful, though, that the blooming soil or plant nutrients are not totally full of chemicals and bad stuffs like that.
Reply:try giving a blooming or flowering fertilizer like beauty bloom or a 0-10-10

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