Monday, November 16, 2009

I just bought a wisteria plant 4" tall. The top has been cut off. Will it still grow?

ya it'll be fine. Wisteria is like the plant from little shop of hoorors though, ensure you prune it hard after it blooms or it's likely to take over your yard. It needs a good strong support (it'll break lattice after a few years)

I just bought a wisteria plant 4" tall. The top has been cut off. Will it still grow?
Why sure, if you bought it from a reputable nursery. The leader was probably pruned to force it to branch.
Reply:I don't think that you can kill them... I have two over a pergola over my decks, and one blooms and the other doesn't. Go figure! But was told by my local nursery owner that putting a patio in around it actually helped it to bloom by injuring it's roots. If it thinks it might die it sends out flowers to carry on the species. Yup, that next year it bloomed and has been blooming ever since, well, one that is. They make a beautiful canopy cover but boy are they messy with blossoms, blossom debris, leaves etc.
Reply:Yes it will grow (assuming it is alive). Plant it. Water it. As it grows, remove the lower branches so that you slowly develop a "trunk". Probably won't bloom for at least 5 years.
Reply:It will be fine, you can't kill the stuff, though grasshoppers seem to love to munch on it. Hopefully you have a better variety than I do, I bought mine 13 years ago...It was around 5-6 foot tall when I got it. The tag said a seedling could take up to ten years to bloom, this was pretty big, so I'd say it was at least 2 years old. So after 15 years the damn thing has never bloomed and it is very obnoxious. Every Fall I almost cut it down and drench it with Tordon, but then i think, well maybe next spring will be the year...
Reply:Yes and it will haunt you too. If the plant came from a blooming graft then it should bloom next spring. If it is a seedling it may be years until it blooms. Case in point, we have one seedling plant that has not bloomed in 22 years. Its neighbor is from blooming stock and it is smothered in blooms every spring.



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