Saturday, November 14, 2009

Will a cutting from a wisteria seedling bloom faster?

Wisteria plants need to mature and you usually wont see a bloom for the first few years. My purple vine finally bloomed after 3 years and now each year it gets thicker. I dont prune my vines until right after they bloom each year. If you cut it in the fall that is when the blooms are setting. It may look bony in your garden during the winter but it is worth it in the spring.

Will a cutting from a wisteria seedling bloom faster?
It is the goal of every living thing to reporduce. To plants that means set seed. If you want increased production (of flowers or veggies) you need to thwart the reaching of that goal.

W/ flowers, you do what we call dead-heading. Cut off the spent flowers.

W/ veggies, you harvest the fruit, even if you're not going to eat it!

If you let the plant reach it's goal of setting seed..... it's job is done. It'll either die or stop producing anything but leaves to generate food/strength for next year.
Reply:I have always been told it takes about three years to get one to bloom.

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