Monday, November 16, 2009

My wisteria has hundreds of tiny black insects on its new growth. What are they and are they harmful?

Aphids... Honestly, unless you want to be completely organic with your pesticide, a systemic is your best bet. You generally mix a certain amount in water and apply it to the roots. The plants then draws up the poison and kills what is eating it. Most systemics last from 6 weeks to 12 months. The problem with insecticidle soaps are that you have to get all of the surfaces of the leaves, because many times aphids like to hang out on the undersides of the leaves. With a larger plant this is sometimes near impossible. Also, with soaps, it needs to be reapplied two or three days later as to get the ones that were in egg form. So basically you have to get the different generations, thus the twice or thrice application. A systemic will last you a little while. Bayer Tree and Shrub, 3 in 1 is a good option. Just make sure that you never use a systemic on something that is edible. Good luck.

My wisteria has hundreds of tiny black insects on its new growth. What are they and are they harmful?
most likely aphids, any garden spray will do

the trick.
Reply:sounds like pesky mites...

spray bottle

fill with vinegar spray over %26amp; under leaves

may need to do this everyday till problem stops
Reply:Do you see lots of empty skins laying around too? They are probably aphids and they are not good. Get some insecticide or if you prefer organic find some ladybugs to eat them, or mix some cayenne pepper in vegetable oil and soap and spray them. good luck

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